Currently our state is rapidly advancing legislation that is NOT life-affirming. For instance, HF 289/SF 336 would cut funding for programs that offer help for pregnant women and new mothers who seek life-affirming alternatives to abortion.
Don Parker from Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL) will join us to discuss the current legislation that seeks to undermine our goals. We will dive into the legislation and learn how we can voice opposition to these bills.
- The Protect Reproductive Options (PRO) Act, F. 1/S.F. 1, enshrines in Minnesota law a right to abort any baby for any reason at any time up to birth. It denies protection even to unborn babies who are developed enough to feel excruciating pain! The House passed the PRO Act on Jan. 19, and the Senate followed on Jan. 28. Gov. Walz signed the bill into law on Jan. 31. Learn more about H.F. 1/S.F. 1 here.
- F. 91/S.F. 70would go even further than the PRO Act by repealing Minnesota’s law that protects newborns who survive abortion from being left to die. It would also repeal Minnesota’s abortion reporting law and parental notification law. This bill could go to the House and Senate floor for final votes soon. Learn more about H.F. 91/S.F. 70 here.
- F. 289/S.F. 336would gut Minnesota’s Positive Alternatives program, potentially directing funds away from pregnancy care centers and toward other groups, including ones that promote abortion.
- F. 1170would increase medical assistance reimbursement rates solely for abortion and abortion-related services.
- F. 366/S.F. 165blocks the governor from extraditing to other states any crime connected with “reproductive health services,” which include abortion. This could make Minnesota a haven for abortionists who perform illegal abortions elsewhere.
- F. 174/S.F. 662directs students to Planned Parenthood and other abortion businesses for information and referral, and away from pro-life pregnancy care centers.
- F. 1930/S.F. 1813would legalize assisted suicide in Minnesota. Learn more about this dangerous bill.